More American Restaurants near Harbord
Enjoy the best of the Americas with cuisines such as Argentinean, Latin American, Brazilian Cajun and Caribbean, at a restaurant near Harbord. Specific pages are available for selected cuisines from the Americas. Three American cuisine restaurants are shown near Harbord. One American cuisine restaurant is located in Harbord and two in suburbs close to Harbord.
|  | Bronzed Onion | | 12 -14 Lawrence Street, Harbord 02 9905 0195 More American Restaurants Harbord; Tags: American |
|  | Brazuca | | 48 North Steyne, Manly. 1.9 km from Harbord 02 9977 6307 More American Restaurant Harbord; Tags: Brazilian |
|  | Cafe Cruz | | West Esplanade ground level , Manly. 1.9 km from Harbord 02 9488 9555 More American Restaurants Harbord; Tags: American Cafe |
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