Indian Restaurants near Noosaville
Three Indian restaurants are shown near Noosaville. Two Indian restaurants are located in Noosaville and one other in a suburb close to Noosaville. Indian restaurants in Noosaville serve many traditional curry dishes and treats such as Naan bread.
|  | Chutney Mary Tandoori & Curry House | | 1/ 14 Thomas St, Noosaville 07 5474 1411 Indian Restaurants Noosaville; Tags: Indian |
|  | Magic of India | | Thomas St, Noosaville 07 5449 7788 Indian Restaurant Noosaville; Tags: Indian |
|  | Sante Fe Restaurant | | 2 Quamby Place, Noosa Heads. 5 km from Noosaville 07 5474 5655 Indian Restaurants Noosaville; Tags: Indian |
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