Indian Restaurants near Kings Meadows
Four Indian restaurants are shown near Kings Meadows. One Indian restaurant is located in Kings Meadows and three in suburbs close to Kings Meadows. Indian restaurants in Kings Meadows serve many traditional curry dishes and treats such as Naan bread.
|  | Aamarpali Indian Restaurant | | 122 Hobart Road, Kings Meadows 03 6343 6992 Indian Restaurants Kings-Meadows; Tags: Indian |
|  | Indian Empire | | 64 George St, Launceston. 4.3 km from Kings-Meadows 03 6331 2500 Indian Restaurant Kings-Meadows; Tags: Indian |
|  | Pickled Evenings | | 135 George Street, Launceston. 4.3 km from Kings-Meadows 03 6331 0110 Indian Restaurants Kings-Meadows; Tags: Indian |
|  | Tandooribazaar | | 185 Wellington St, Launceston. 4.3 km from Kings-Meadows 03 6334 6955 Indian Restaurant Kings-Meadows; Tags: Indian |
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