Chinese Restaurants near Bathurst
Nine Chinese restaurants are listed in Bathurst. Chinese cuisine includes Yum Cha or delicious regional styles: Cantonese, Peking, Szechuan or Shanghai. Some of these styles may be available at a Chinese restaurant near Bathurst.
|  | Bathurst Fortuna Chinese Restaurant | | 286 Lambert St , Bathurst 02 6331 1188 Chinese Restaurants Bathurst; Tags: Chinese |
|  | Chinese Inn Restaurant | | 143 George St , Bathurst 02 6331 2046 Chinese Restaurant Bathurst; Tags: Chinese |
|  | Fortuna Chinese Restaurant | | cnr Suttor & Lambert Sts, Bathurst 02 6331 1188 Chinese Restaurants Bathurst; Tags: Chinese |
|  | Golden Paradise Restaurant | | 80 Keppel St, Bathurst 02 6331 3645 Chinese Restaurant Bathurst; Tags: Chinese |
|  | Great Wall Chinese Restaurant | | 75 George Street, Bathurst 12 6332 1688 Chinese Restaurants Bathurst; Tags: Chinese |
|  | Lo's Rose Garden Chinese Restaurant | | Shop 12 82 George St, Bathurst 02 6332 2882 Chinese Restaurant Bathurst; Tags: Chinese |
|  | Marigold Garden Chinese Restaurant | | 177 George St, Bathurst 02 6331 9575 Chinese Restaurants Bathurst; Tags: Chinese |
|  | Rose Garden Chinese Restaurant | | Shop 12 82 George St, Bathurst 02 6332 2882 Chinese Restaurant Bathurst; Tags: Chinese |
|  | The Great Wall Restaurant | | 75 George St , Bathurst 02 6332 1688 Chinese Restaurants Bathurst; Tags: Chinese |
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