Cafes near Port Douglas
Eleven Cafes are listed in Port Douglas. Pop in to a cafe near Port Douglas for the best Espresso, latte, Cappuccino or a cup of tea, or enjoy a meal at a Port Douglas cafe.
|  | Beaches Cafe | | Cnr of Mowbray St and Esplanade, Port Douglas 07 4099 4998 Cafes Port-Douglas; Tags: Cafe Seafood |
|  | Cafe Ecco & Bar | | Shop 1 43 Macrossan St, Port Douglas 07 4099 4056 Cafe Port-Douglas; Tags: Cafe Bar Mod-Oz |
|  | Cafe Fresq | | Crn Grant & Macrossan Sts, Port Douglas 07 4099 6111 Cafes Port-Douglas; Tags: Cafe Mod-Oz |
|  | Hog's Breath Cafe | | Marina Mirage Wharf St, Port Douglas 07 4099 4222 Cafe Port-Douglas; Tags: Steak family Cafe |
|  | Java Blue | | 3/ 2 Macrossan St, Port Douglas 07 4099 5814 Cafes Port-Douglas; Tags: Mod-Oz Cafe |
|  | Mango Jam Cafe | | 24 Macrossan Street, Port Douglas 07 4099 4611 Cafe Port-Douglas; Tags: Mod-Oz Cafe |
|  | Soul 'n' Pepper Bar & Bistro | | 8/ 2 Dixie St, Port Douglas 07 4099 4499 Cafes Port-Douglas; Tags: Mod-Oz Bar Cafe |
|  | Sunbird Cafe | | Davidson St Sheraton Mirage, Port Douglas 07 4099 5888 Cafe Port-Douglas; Tags: Cafe |
|  | The Coffee Club at Port Douglas | | Shop 10 Port Village 11-17 Macrossan Street, Port Douglas 07 4099 5409 Cafes Port-Douglas; Tags: Cafe |
|  | Uptown Internet Cafe | | 48 Macrossan Street, Port Douglas 07 4099 5568 Cafe Port-Douglas; Tags: Internet Cafe |
|  | Wild Ginger Gourmet | | 22 Macrossan Street, Port Douglas 07 4099 5972 Cafes Port-Douglas; Tags: Cafe |
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